Gas + Roses, also known as “Gas’N Roses” or “Gas N Roses,” is a slightly sativa-dominant hybrid strain (60% sativa/40% indica) created by crossing Lemon Kush with (True OG X Black Dog) and Red Rosebud strains. This strain lives up to its name with an aromatic blend of flowery roses, sugary berries, and skunky, gassy diesel. The flavor leans sweet, featuring sugary berries, fruity grapes, sour citrus, and floral rose notes. Gas + Roses offers a well-balanced high that starts with a burst of vibrant energy, making you feel sociable and chatty. As the high progresses, it brings on a relaxing effect that can turn sedative and sleepy, perfect for winding down. With a potent THC level ranging from 26-31%, this strain is often used to alleviate chronic fatigue, pain, stress, depression, and insomnia. The buds are oversized, fluffy, and conical, with forest green hues, deep purple undertones, thick orange hairs, and tiny purple-tinted white crystal trichomes.
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